Chi siamo

Our numbers tell a lot about us, but they are certainly not exhaustive. L’Ortofrutticola of Albenga Cooperative was founded in 1941 and has about 600 member farms, which represent 60% of the arable land in the Albenga Plain.

Who we are


L'Ortofrutticola is among the most important agricultural cooperatives in Italy in terms of the volume of goods handled, the large number of associated businesses, and, most importantly, the historical value of these businesses. Our members take great pride in the fact that their membership cards bear one- or two-digit numbers that represent shares in the Cooperative subscribed by their parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents.
This loyalty and sense of belonging make the institution “great,” offering a wide range of services to the family-run farms of the Albenga Plain.
In addition to supporting the commercialization of horticultural and floricultural products from our members in Italy and across Europe, the Cooperative provides high-quality technical assistance, one of the largest phytopharmacy sections in the entire peninsula, and an Agricultural Products Warehouse without equal in the entire region.
To ensure the highest quality and punctuality in service delivery, in 2012 L’Ortofrutticola of Albenga moved to its current headquarters, optimizing the logistics base with seven loading docks, a warehouse for vegetables and herbs with refrigerated cells, dedicated packaging and logistics systems for both incoming and outgoing goods.
President Emanuele Barbieri


Common Good, Tradition, Innovation

“Our actions are guided by a business model that places the person, the common good, and environmental sustainability at the center. We believe in the opportunities of the market but also in the economic growth of our territory and the protection of its natural resources. We firmly believe that the tradition of doing things well, working the land while respecting natural processes and rhythms, and innovating without fearing change, is a culture shared among our farmer members, one we wish to showcase as best practices and excellence… from the heart of Albenga.”


Ethics, Identity, Cooperation

Why do we move? Why do we work with passion?

The search for a broader meaning behind the daily actions we take has always been in the DNA of our cooperative. Answering the question 'Why do you do it? Why are you a member?' is more difficult than it seems for many.

The answer is often an economic convenience, a benefit, or a practical necessity.

In short, I like to propose the rediscovery of the reasons for the existence of the cooperative, bringing them back to memory as values. Asking members questions they haven’t thought about or have forgotten generates a positive reaction, the effects of which are felt by the community, the territory, and the environment.

Emanuele Barbieri, Presidente L’Ortofrutticola

President Emanuele Barbieri
Vice president Paolo Maglio


The Customer at the Center.
The Strength of Tradition, the Importance of Innovation

The idea of putting the customer at the center is something the Cooperative has always had in its history. It’s about helping people understand who we are, how we work and what our approach is—not just producing.

It’s a complex moment: competition is strong and we have a challenging territory to protect, where farming is difficult. Sustainability passes through an ethical approach in our businesses. We have many greenhouses, which we’ve always heated with diesel. It is impossible to think about a future with diesel, because the planet says so. So the challenge is to head towards environmental and economic sustainability through the use of new technologies.

Quality and sustainability are recognized through our certifications, rigorous production standards, the uniqueness of the products through the TipicoSi project, environmental respect, the reuse of energy resources, attention to seasonal workers, training, and agrotechnical support for our members.

Paolo Maglio, Vice President of L’Ortofrutticola


Since its inception, the purpose of the Cooperative, inspired by the statutes of the Albenga Agricultural Cooperative Federation of 1915, has been: “Representing, promoting, and protecting the economic and moral interests of the agricultural class, and fostering the most effective improvement of agriculture, farming practice and agricultural development.”

The means to achieve this purpose:

  • - Managing the collective shipment and sale of agricultural products.
  • - Supplying members with agricultural machinery and tools, plants and seeds, fertilizers and anything else related to the agricultural industry.
  • - Managing the export of agricultural products to both domestic and foreign markets that guarantee reliable remuneration.

L’Ortofrutticola was founded as a cooperative in 1941. Over 80 years later, these principles are still valid, and the tools for achieving them have certainly evolved to provide a complete service to members, as explained by Vice President Paolo Maglio.

Vice president Paolo Maglio

Are you our customer?

The B2B e-commerce solution is intended for international wholesaler and retailer customers for the purchase of plants and flowers.