The cooperative

L'Ortofrutticola of Albenga Cooperative was founded in 1941 and has around 600 member farms, representing 60% of the arable land in the Albenga Plain.

Our passion

Who we are

Working with passion, in compliance with ethics and the cooperative spirit envisioned by the founding members, is our daily commitment and the true expression of the identity of the L’Ortofrutticola di Albenga Cooperative.
Today, just as in 1915, the Member is at the center of the Cooperative's decisions, but they are supported by our Clients. This approach has evolved over time and is the result of a vision aimed at enhancing the efforts required from our members to meet increasingly stringent quality standards, as well as a necessity to monitor increasingly competitive markets.
Find out more


Our numbers


Associated agricultural companies




Employees, from 45 up to 60 during the flower and vegetable seasons


Professional clients


Departments: flowers/plants, fruit and vegetables, Agricultural Materials (MPA), Technical Assistance


m2 of warehouse with 7 loading bays for trucks


Tons of vegetables and fruit distributed


Packets of aromatic products produced


Vases sold


Trolleys of potted plants moved every day


Countries exporting flowers and plants


AGRO FARMACIA, the largest in Liguria

Sense of belonging

Our members

L'Ortofrutticola Cooperative is historically one of the oldest associations in the Albenga Plain, deeply rooted among the agricultural and floricultural businesses in Albenga and the surrounding Savona valleys. It is considered a point of pride to possess membership cards with a single-digit number or one in the first few tens. This sense of belonging and pride permeates not only the Plain but also spans generations of farmers. It is not uncommon to find active members who are the grandchildren or great-grandchildren of the founding members—those farsighted farmers who, back in 1941, believed that cooperative strength could help overcome the challenges of markets that already reached beyond Liguria's borders.

Agile structure

Organizational chart

A lean structure, organized into business units, each managed by a representative who reports directly to the General Management, which in turn reports to the Board of Directors.

Are you our customer?

The B2B e-commerce solution is intended for international wholesaler and retailer customers for the purchase of plants and flowers.