Our markets

Historically, the reference markets for the Cooperative L’Ortofrutticola of Albenga have always been the fruit and vegetable market and the potted plants and flowers market.

I nostri mercati


Historically, the reference markets for the Cooperative L’Ortofrutticola of Albenga have always been the fruit and vegetable market and the potted plants and flowers market.
These are two complementary sectors, but essentially different in terms of commercial dynamics and cultivation cycles.
One element, however, is common: the daily supply of products and their seasonality.
At L’Ortofrutticola, while aware that in a now-globalized market, the very concept of seasonality in agriculture may seem outdated, we are committed to supporting crops that respect natural cycles and proper seasonality.
Typical products, Km0, sustainable, organic… every element contributes to making the very concept of sustainability and respect for the environment a reality.
In Liguria, the birthplace of the Cooperative, you can purchase our products directly at the Albenga headquarters, at OrtoShop, or at the Coop stores of Nordovest. Here, you will find both our Tipicosì line and various products supplied by our members.
Come visit us at OrtoShop, where you’ll find fresh products delivered daily.
Come and visit us

Are you our customer?

The B2B e-commerce solution is intended for international wholesaler and retailer customers for the purchase of plants and flowers.